Introducing... Lumie Clear*

Having clear skin is something every teen and even many adults have a constant battle with each day....well what if I told you there were a device that could give you flawless skin without the use of tablets or creams? Here I introduce to you, Lumie Clear*, a handheld LED light therapy device proven to treat mild to moderate acne. A lot of people think of acne as having really severe breakouts constantly,and whilst that is a form of acne there are milder forms consisting of maybe a few spots around the t zone for example. Personally I do get breakouts, not extremely bad but usually on my forehead and it does make me feel super self concious at times.

 As soon as I heard about Lumie Clear I knew I had to try it as there were so many amazing reviews on it! I will try anything to achieve good skin, from smothering my face in sudocream to endless tablets and herbal remedies.

 Even some celebs suffer from acne.... 

I think its key that people suffering from acne realise how common it is and they shouldn't feel embarrassed at all. Lumie Clear retails for £149 which at a glance may seem a lot however after reading all the reviews on it, so many people have said its definitely worth the money and I will let you know my opinion soon! I will be writing an update in a few weeks on my experience with Lumie Clear, as it's recommended use is 12 weeks to get the full effect of the device. I'd love to hear what treatments you use on breakouts, so feel free to comment below!


  1. This sounds like such an interesting product, I look forward to hearing your review soon!

    B xx

  2. This sounds really good!



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