April Payday Wishlist

It's finally my favourite time of the month again, pay day. The time when most of us should be thinking about saving, yet we're more concerned about buying a new outfit for each day of the week...which I believe is necessary. Every month there's a constant battle with trying to make my wage last as long as possible, but lets be honest when you're a teenage girl with a lump of money going into your account all at once... you're going to splurge. I'm constantly deciding I want to 're-invent' myself and give my wardrobe a huge makeover, which is a fun but costly task. This month I've decided to use my wage to treat myself before the dreaded summer exams come along, and whilst I've already blown a chunk of it on a post exams holiday there's still some left so I decided to create a wishlist of possible purchases I'm lusting after.

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