Okay, so I haven't written a blog post in well over a year now, there's a number of reasons I neglected my blog i.e uni and general life but I decided now I've officially graduated to give it a go again. Originally my blog was the usual beauty, fashion, lifestyle etc but most people that know me, know my passion for music, therefore, I definitely want to focus a lot more on that as well as general life issues.  Each week I'll be posting my weekly playlist which features to the right of my blog so be sure to keep up to date with that!

My first post is about life after uni, the reality of it, as well as attracting good things and opportunities. So I graduated last month and honestly, I had the best uni experience ever (big up Notts Trent). Don't get me wrong, uni is haaaaard and requires a lot of dedication and energy but it was the best three years of my life. However, when the Uni bubble bursts and you're left wondering what the hell to do with your life, that's when reality hits.

I knew I definitely wanted to work in the music industry and continue with getting into Radio but for the first few weeks after graduating I felt lost and like I wasn't progressing/going anywhere. Almost every single graduate job is within recruitment or other 9-5 office based jobs and that's just not me, I'm the kind of girl who wants variety and excitement within my work. My general vibe at that time was negative and I was feeling stuck whether to go down the route of getting a job doing something I didn't want to do but I'd be earning decent money, or to work my batty off doing work experience and internships to get into the music industry. As much as I love earning money, I knew that working 9-5 every day in a job I'd most likely hate just isn't for me and I'm so eager to get my career in music started now. I started reading more about embracing a positive presence and the law of attraction, and honestly, as soon as I started thinking positive about situations and generally just putting myself first, I started to notice a change in my confidence and general self. For the first time in ages, I've felt so motivated and can say I'm the happiest I've been in a long time. Music is key to my happiness, honestly the power of music is so real, listening to certain music motivates me so much and completely uplifts my spirits. Within just a few weeks I've gone from having no idea what I was doing to having a huge range of opportunities and projects going on, simply from improving my confidence and approaching every situation with a positive attitude. One project I'm really excited and lucky to be part of is the Floor Sixx Academy run by the Sian Anderson and J2K where I'll be learning more about presenting within radio and TV. As I'm living in Leeds, I'll be commuting to London every week which obviously is going to be expensive but it was an opportunity I refused to turn down and hopefully will pay off! I wanna try blog as much as I can about the academy and the different things we do to give those interested in the industry more of an insight and any advice I pick up on the way.

I advise anyone who feels like they're stuck in a bit of a rut or are just lacking motivation to honestly read up about the law of attraction and work out how to change the things that are negative within your life. I'm one of those people who has 101 motivational quotes saved in my phone but honestly, stuff like that helps me when I feel low or unmotivated. One quote which I posted on my instagram this week is key to my life at the minute 'You need to ignore what everyone else is doing and acheiving. Your life is about breaking your own limits and outgrowing yourself to live your best life. You are not in competition with anyone else. Plan to outdo your past, not other people.' I've come to the realisation that comparing yourself to others actually gets you nowhere, instead work out what steps you can take to improve and better yourself to be at the level you aspire.

I'll put some links below to articles/videos that have helped motivate me and feel free to message me on any of my socials!


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