It's been a while (3 years to be exact) since I've written on this blog but I've decided to get it up & running again as I really did love having a space to write & share different things on. Life right now is great and we're only 11 days into the new year! My career in radio is amazing and I've also launched my own business - a social media agency which has got off to a flying start. You can find out more about Socialize here. Does anyone else have a really good feeling about 2020? I put a-lot of my achievements down to my mindset and being a hustler so i've decided to share some of my fave books which provide me with motivation on a daily basis!

1. Patricia Bright - Heart and Hustle
This is the book i'm currently reading. I would honestly recommend it anyone looking to build a brand, especially online. In the book she teaches you how to hustle like she did, using your head and your heart. She's also just launched a new brand called 'The Break Platform' which you should check out on youtube for career & financial advice!
2. The Secret - Rhonda Bryne

3.You Are A Badass - Jen Sincero
This book is all about being fearless, how to stop doubting yourself & go out there and get what you want. It's one of the best-selling self help books & is great for anyone who struggles with believing in themselves. You really do read it and feel like a bad b***h!

4. The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k - Sarah Knight

I love everything about this book, it's sassy, motivating & such a good read! It's all about giving your time to the things that really matter & not giving a f**k about the irrelevant things in life. Mental decluttering is the main aim with this book, helping you unleash the power of not giving a f**k!
5. The Power Of Now - Eckhart Tolle
Something which we're all guilty of is thinking too much about the past and future but forgetting about the present. 'The Power of Now' is a guide for day-to-day living and stresses the importance of living in the present moment and transcending thoughts of the past or future. It's one of those books you can go back to you & re-read in times of need.
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