MAC Wishlist

Over the past month or so I've been keeping track of MAC products I'm lusting after whilst watching various youtubers and bloggers rave about them and now since I'm going to New York on Monday I realised I can get them all there so much cheaper. So at the minute there are 8 main products I definitely want, but knowing me I will get sidetracked in the store and end up buying loads of other products... ooops. Anyway overall these 8 products, if bought in England would come to £126.50 however in the US it comes to $147 which works out at £88.... AMAZING. I probably will go absolutely crazy in MAC but who can blame me when it will be so cheap! Underneath each product I've put how much it is in dollars, what that is exchanged into GBP and then the actual price of the products if purchased in the UK.

'Espresso'  Both US $15 each = £8.96 - UK £12.50 'Omega'
Firstly, these are two of the standard eye shadow pots. I chose these two shades after seeing Tanya Burr use them constantly in her videos. Omega will be mainly used for my brows as I think the colour match is pretty perfect and then  I'll use Espresso as a crease colour.
'Light Boost' US $25= £14.93 - UK £18               'Myth' US $16= £9.55 - UK £15

This prep and prime highlighter has been raved about by everybody for so long and I've wanted it for ages but never got round to buying it. I want to get it in the shade 'Light Boost' and use it as a highlighter when I'm contouring. Its a 'soft yellow cream' so will cancel out any redness and darkness under my eyes.

Secondly is just a repurchase of my favourite nude lipstick ever, Mac Myth. This teamed with Rimmels Lasting Finish lip liner in 'Tiramisu' is a match made in heaven. 
'NC20' US $27= £16.12- UK £21.50                        'Blondes Gold' US $21=£12.54 - UK £17

Another repurchase will be Studio Fix Fluid, my current bottle of this is pretty much empty so I may aswell stock up whilst I'm in NYC. I use shade NC20 which is slightly too dark but works perfectly fine when I'm tanned!

Next up is a pigment in the shade 'Blondes Gold' which is a light tan with gold and white pearl, I saw a swatch of this on Google and it looks so so pretty so I have to buy it! The Mac pigments are so so pigmented and this will probably be used with a bit of 'Espresso' through the crease.
    'NC20'   US $18= 10.75 - UK £15             'Pearl'   US $20= £11.94 - UK £15

I already have two of these concealers but because it's the best concealer in the world (in my opinion) I'm going to stock up, I have the shades NC15 & NC20 and most likely will repurchase another NC20 just because it matches my skin tone a bit better than NC15. These pots seriously last a lifetime, I think the first one I ever bought lasted me at least a year and I used it almost everyday! 

Finally this product is a cream colour base, in the shade 'Pearl'. I've wanted this for absolutely ages and it seems like such a good multi purpose product. I've heard its amazing as a highlight and also a lid colour, its described as being a 'pale gold with icy shimmer' which is the sort of shade I tend to go for in terms of eye colours. 

I probably won't be blogging as much through the next week now as like I said i'll be in New York, however expect a huge haul when I'm back! Also if there are any other products you think I should try comment below or tweet me at @sascha_driver!


  1. I love the colour base in cream. I use it as a highlighter and contour. Love your wishlist ^^

  2. Anonymous13:50

    Why does everything have to be cheaper in the US?? Haha, I don't blame you for buying it all over there! Have a good trip x

  3. MAC Myth was my first ever MAC lipstick and I've never regretted getting it. :)

  4. Ahh these all look great. The lipstick and eyeshadows look gorge. I use the foundation already and love it. I might just have to get to NYC sooner rather than later lol. Have an amazing time. Danielle x

  5. Hey. I just found your blog! It is totally amazing. Love your style!
    Would you like to follow each other?
    Let me know!

    With love,

  6. Myth looks lovely x

  7. Sigh... I love mac products! Aha

  8. Always love MAC , i love this post !<3

  9. I love the choice of lipstick just because its a nice nude tone I need one like this for everyday wear! x

  10. awww your making me want to spend more money on makeup!!

    Make sure to check out my blog, I do a combination of health, animals and fashion weekly!

  11. I love mac, I want it all! Especially a new lipstick!

  12. I love Mac!!Do you want to follow each other on GFC and Fb?
    Let me know on my blog!

  13. That omega shadow looks gorgeous. I want to try a mac concealer but the hefty price tag puts me off - maybe I should! xx

  14. Where did you get these images from ? I'm a newby and im still not sure when it comes to using images other than my own?! thanks.


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