
I am the worst when it comes to suffering from wanderlust, everytime I see an instagram or snapchat of someone away in sunny climates it makes me want to jump on the next plane there. I recently read an article on 'Elite Daily' (one of my favourite websites) which says people who spend their money on experiences rather than materialistic things are happier. I can completely understand this and have come to learn this myself over the past few years. Obviously i'm not a millionaire so I can't afford to be away every week however I do work and earning my own money has taught me a lot. Within my first job which I began when I was 16 I wasted my wages on designer shoes and clothes and never saved a penny however after saving up to visit New York twice in the space of a year I've realised how much more those trips benefited my happiness rather than the items I wasted my money on years ago. I've just started a new job in which I hope to be sensible and try save as much as possible so I can take the time out to visit some places I've always wanted to go. I am a student though so I can't be stupid with money but I think life is about living for the moment which is especially important to me after losing someone very close to me suddenly, I now plan on visiting Santorini this summer as it's a place thats been on my bucket list forever and also hopefully heading back to Menorca which is a quiet little Spanish island that I love.

I've decided to take a year out after I finish University to go travel all the places i've been longing to go to, one of these places is Bali. Ever since I saw a picture of Tash Oakley (@tashoakley) in Bali and her view it literally crushed me that I couldn't be there at that second. My aim is to carry on working as much as possible in the next year of Uni to have enough money to travel around the world. Websites like STA Travel are amazing for booking and organising long travelling trips however other sites like ice lolly and Expedia are also just as good for finding great deals on trips away.

What places have you always wanted to visit? If you have any tips on ways to save up for trips away let me know in the comments section!


  1. Amazing post dear!


  2. I completely agree! Experiences are far more valuable than any materlistic thing :) X


  3. I want to visit islands like Trinidad and Fiji, just beautiful, tropical places.
    I would suggest you get a transfer set up where maybe £15 goes into a savings account automatically. That's how I save and I don't even notice it coming out of my current account. Hope this helps.:)

    - www.veebzboo.com

  4. Ow, the pictures are so lovely. I also wish to travel more, I haven't really been anywhere in years, but I also have the problem when it comes to money. Hope your new job gives you enaugh to travel, and see you in Bali ;)



  5. These places look soooo beautiful! I love any place that's tropical.

    That's actually an amazing idea to take a gap year between school and work to travel. I have two more years of university so I might need to consider that! I would definitely want a travel partner though and it might be hard to convince someone else to take that year off.


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